Using LangSmith to Support Fine-tuning


Summary We created a guide for fine-tuning and evaluating LLMs using LangSmith for dataset management and evaluation. We did this both with an open source LLM on CoLab and HuggingFace for model training, as well as OpenAI's new finetuning service. As a test case, we fine-tuned LLaMA2-7b-chat and gpt-3.5-turbo for an extraction task (knowledge graph triple extraction) using training data exported from LangSmith and also evaluated the results using LangSmith. The CoLab guide is here. Context I

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Using LangSmith to Support Fine-tuning

LangChainのv0.0266からv0.0.276までの差分を整理(もくもく会向け)|mah_lab / 西見 公宏

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